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Hello fellas! 👋 Did you know that hepatitis is one of the biggest world health problems that we need to take care of? Hepatitis itself is an inflammation of the liver caused by the virus. The most common hepatitis viruses in the world are types A, B, C, and E (commonly referred to as HAV, …

Indonesian Young Pharmacists Group (IYPG) Virtual Summit 2021

Indonesian Young Pharmacists Group (IYPG) Virtual Summit dengan tema Young Pharmacists on The Move Indonesian Young Pharmacists Group (IYPG) merupakan sebuah organisasi profesional yang berada di bawah koordinasi dari Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia (IAI). IYPG adalah wadah bagi apoteker muda Indonesia yang berusia di bawah 35 tahun untuk saling menjalin komunikasi dan sebagai sarana pengembangan kompetensi …

Pharmacy Festival 2020, Berhadiah Total 18,4 Juta Rupiah

  This September, Pharmacy Festival 2020 will open the registration with new theme, "Bring Your Bright Ideas for Better Healthcare in 5.0 Era"   Here's the competitions that will be held: 🔹️Patient Counseling Competition (PCC) 🔹️Essay Competition 🔹️Poster Competition 🔹️Video Competition   Here’s the events’ timeline of Open Registration : 🗓 Early bird registration : …

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